Birth of UNIX/LINUX based systems along with C

Unix has a vast history. It all started when in 1965 three major companies-MIT, General Electric and Bell laboratory of AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph Company) started to work on a project named MULTICS (Multiplexed Information and computing system). Later, when the project was not showing any progress, so, Bell laboratory's scientists withdrew from the project, which made the project to drop. But, Interestingly two of the scientists named Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie continued their work. They worked on UNICS (Uniplexed Information and computing system) which was made on a machine named PDP-7. “The main idea of developing these systems were to make a multi-user Operating system” Now, when they made UNICS there was a problem of portability since all of the code was in assembly language. So, Ken thompson made a language named B. Though B, sufficiently performed well but still they wanted a better approach. So, Dennis Ritchie started to ...