Something About Reservation

Hello everyone

Reservation should be abolished.I personally feel people, who get reservation are forced to think upon that they are of low class/status. When we give reservation to a person, he/she thinks of themselves as someone who will never be able to compete with the crowd. They find themselves weaker and so does they become.

People tell about giving reservation to handicapped, Yes I truely support with it on humanitarian grounds but then just think rationally.Are we doing good to them? We are simply forcing them to feel about their disability.When a baby giraffe is born ,what if baby's mother finds the child weak and doesn't kick him to make him stand on his feet? Is that baby ever going to stand?

Disabilities starts from your brain and ends when you stop thinking about it.

People tell opportunities are not given to minorities. let me ask them a question like who are you to give them opportunity.Opportunities are better when earned.

Minorities are still minority because they have always thought themselves as a minority and by giving reservation we are doing nothing good then making them realize the same.


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