The So-Called Education System

Hello Everyone 😊
Let’s start with how this education system works. So, let’s suppose someone wants to be an engineer and he chooses in Computer Science branch.
During placements, the companies came and he was not shortlisted. Why?
Because he tried to be the jack of all trades and end up getting nothing. That’s what this education system is trying to do. Now, If you are a database engineer in a company, Would you ever care how the development of a software is going or Would you go to see how the network engineer is fixing the router. NO!

Then why are we not made to be a master of one? I do realize that people should have somewhat knowledge but then they should not be evaluated on the basis of that. So, now let’s suppose he had three subjects one was database management system other was Introduction to networking and last one was Introduction to java now he scored well in Database but he couldn’t in the latter two now just because they have made equal weight-age of all three subjects his score goes down which results in less GPA. Then he will be judged by the company on the basis of that and he will not be selected. See if that person would have got the chance he could have managed the database in the best possible way.

So now he realizes that they won’t hear him so to be in the list of shortlisted candidates he cuts the time of his regular database study and starts giving it to other subjects by mugging and getting no actual knowledge from it which means that his time was simply wasted. If the GPA/CGPA would not have been calculated like this he would have focused on one thing and later on would have given justice to his field.

My point is that if a person knows well about a particular thing and since he would be only selected for only one position in a company why do scores of other subjects matter.

Then comes Aptitude, talking about quantitative aptitude like really we are making human calculators now. That guy was already in pain because of his subjects now he realizes for showing his database capability he has to show them how 192039 could be a perfect square or not? Why would a database engineer be calculating it anyways, people have made calculators 3 centuries back then why going back to their time. The thing is we are not moving forward we are actually moving backward, they made calculators so that we could think of other important things to build but no we will make ourselves calculator for no reason at all.

Then comes Reasoning aptitude, That guy would now be learning what his grandmother’s daughter would like to call his father’s brother Or how about if A, B, C, D, E, F are sitting in a circle and all facing towards mars, how would A be related to F. WHATTTTTT?

The people who came up with these idiotic ideas of implementing these things in educational system were no smarter than us. So, If someone is listening to me kindly share this article so that coming generation has to not face these things.

Ending note. Let’s suppose you have to catch a train to reach some destination, Are you going to sit on any train that’s on the platform. Obviously NOT.

Just like those other trains were not important to you to reach your destination so does other subjects to your one passion.

What do you think?


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