The beginning of life on our Planet Earth.

It’s been 14 billion years since the big bang, 4.5 billion years when the earth was formed and around 2.8 million years when humans came into existence. From then many things have changed and evolved. What didn’t change was that if there is a beginning of new life, then an end somewhere. We have tried to fight this rule made by nature and start evolving in the fields of Neuroscience and molecular biology and now we have reduced the death rate to some extent.

With just 21 years on this planet, I might be a little less qualified to tell you about life So, feel free to correct me anywhere you need.

Like I was telling Life has always let people think about how did we come into existence? Is there an answer to it? Well, yes, there is. See Life started on earth because of its life-sustainable distance from the sun. Earth was the only planet which was fortunate enough to get enough sunlight and winter which made glaciers to melt and there it was water which gradually started to let life evolve in its depth. Water was the only reason because of which we all are here. But it doesn’t happen so fast as I have mentioned the numbers above, It took around 4.4 billion years for the earth to have that power of sustaining life.

I think the greatest motivation you can get is from earth for attaining life as its goal.

To quote from the Atlantic, life began like this -

In Earth’s burbling warm water, fate and chemistry combined amino acids into complex molecules, and in a process, we still don’t understand, these gave rise to single cells that figured out how to make copies of themselves. Tiny mistakes in those copies eventually turned them into oxygen-exhaling organisms we call algae. Endless forms flowed from these humble ancestors, and after eons, there we were: All of human culture and hope and possibility arising within a tiny slice of time.


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